Thursday, 6 March 2014

My first Paid run

Today I had the pleasure of undertaking my first ever PAID run today with an English guy Peter Armistead, who lives in Whistler Canada. Peter a keen ultra distance runner over there has a bit of form coming an amazing 3rd in his first ever 50m race. Of course the manicured paths and highly marked trails of the Whistler are not a patch on our own moors and Peter wanted to have a run out and some advice on fellrunning. Having found nobody, he turned to me

Meeting at the unGodly hour of 7am at Ogden Res we ran and talked for over an hour over just 7 miles, a stunningly still morning and apart form a yapping dog and the hum of the M62 perfectly quiet.

I did inform Peter he was the first bloke I had ran with in about six years and he should feel honoured, or at least dress for the occasion, he muttered something about being a metro-sexual? so we left it there...

A really nice chap, good company and just in case the Tax man or James Sheard see's this payment was a bottle of wine, a running book and a banana.

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